Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jackson's Letter dated June 10, 2011

I joined another companionship of missonaries. It's pretty hard sometimes but im getting used to it. Things here aren't so bad, but I'm ready for something new. I'm not even close to being ready language wise, but I think I will learn it faster there. Although I'm sure I'll be crying like a baby when i get there. I'm sorry you hurt your knee that is terrible, seems like you can't move at all. Did you ask for blessing yet? I was able to give Elder Graham one and let me tell you I know the priesthood is real now. I felt the spirit so strong when I  was doing it. It was so cool, I don't think I  ever realized how important it is. That was a pretty good experience. Things here are good. I should get my travel plans and then off to Russia! I'm so dang excited to go. I hope your knee gets better and that you have a good week. I  love you
Elder Jewkes

Jackson's Letter dated June 1, 2011

Ether 12:27 is my favorite scripture. Yeah it sounds like you are even busier than before if that’s even possible.That’s so cool that your friends came and helped you do all that, they are one awesome family, and how are they doing? I can’t believe Lindsay is graduating, that is way weird, now we are all out of High School. Is Tre there? I heard he was going down there fromChrisse. She works at the bookstore so I talk to her pretty much every day. It’s always nice to talk to a fellow Missourian ha-ha. Sounds like you are getting some insane weather there.What is going on? I can picture you all in my room that’s way funny (and crowded) gotta love Judge kicking you in the back all night haha. Things here are ok. I  think I’m ready for a change in scenery. I leave on the 21st, isn’t that crazy? I will be in a completely different country in less than a month. I’m so excited to get out of here and help people. Oh and I’ve gained 11 pounds from this darn food. I still look the same I think, but yeah this food is getting pretty old.It messes with your digestive system big time if you know what I mean. Russian is coming along I guess. I’m sure I will have no idea what they are talking about when I get there. There are some native Russian missionaries here right now and every time we try to talk to them they laugh and correct us...... so yeah it’s going to be interesting the first couple months. But I know it will all work out. I’m learning the lesson of patience here that’s for sure. God works on his own time and not mine. Nothing to special happened this week same old same old class, eat and gym. Someone that works at the mtc gave an awesome talk at a Fireside.I love singing the Russian hymns they sound so cool. I think everyone in our zone is getting ready to leave we are all going a little crazy here, My booty will forever be sore for sitting in that chair for 8 hours a day ha-ha. Well I hope you have a good week tell the kids I said hi and they better write back or I won’t promise them blessings since I can do that as a missionary ha-ha. Love you!

Love Elder Jewkes

Jackson's Letter dated May 25, 2011

Tell Judge I said Happy Birthday and Amber too even though hers was like a month ago ha-ha. So things are pretty good here. I have less than a month till I will be in Russia, isn’t that insane? There is no way I’m ready language wise, but I guess I will learn it a lot better there than I could here. I’m way excited to leave. It’s like being in a cage 24/ 7 and never being able to leave ha-ha. But I love my district, they are a great group of Elders so that makes it easier. We teach the plan of salvation tonight so we will see how that goes ha-ha. I know it will be fine, I  just have to have faith and it will all work out. It seems like I get humbled every day here. Maybe I will figure out how not to be so prideful in a couple of years. That’s pretty funny you taught about missionary work. What pictures did you use?  I’m sure it was an excellent lesson. Oh yeah, Elder Nelson came and spoke to us last night and that was way sweet.I’ll try to write a letter today about things that all of the apostles have said. But yeah, nothing too  new.The new Russian Missionaries came last week, they are all really cool. One is from the South Stake in St Louis. We have an Elder that plays basketball for BYU. His name is  Kyle Collinsworth. He is really good. We have some other really good basketball players so its way fun. Yeah so less than 4 weeks left and I’m way excited! Well, I hope you guys have a good week and I love and miss you all.

Elder Jewkes

Jackson's Letter dated May 18, 2011

I will send you a letter with my thoughts. I don't type fast enough to say everything that I would want to say lol. That's awesome about that girl. Who would have thought you're doing more Missionary work then I am.Yesterday President Hinkcley's son spoke to us.It was like seeeing the prophet all over again. It was really cool and he acted just like the prophet. I taught the first lesson in Russian last Wednesday.It  went really well, but I had a lot of help if you know what I mean.It was so cool to experience that. I think I feel more comfortable teaching in Russian than English. It sounds like school is pretty busy, but I guess that will make the time go by fast for you. Things here are the same, we eat, go to class and eat. I will be able to call you when I fly out,  so I guess that makes up for missing Mother's Day. I feel like I've learned so much in only six weeks. I've learned  a lot about my weaknesses and things I can improve. I love learning all this new stuff and all the study time we get. I've  read the Book of Mormon,The New Testament, Jesus The Christ and now I'm working on the Old Testament.I  don't know if you heard or got a bill, but on Thursday while walking to the gym I walked into a pole and hit my head. They couldn't get the bleeding to stop, so I got to leve the MTC and go to the instacare. I ended up getting two stitches by my eyebrow. It was pretty hilarious and I have been teased a bunch for it. It was weird being oustide in the world. We saw people and they even had a TV. I caught myself watching it a couple of times(it was Nick Jr, so don't worry) then I remembered I can't watch TV anymore. We were there for a really long time and we didn't get picked up until 10:40 at night. We were there for about four hours. It is definitely something I will never forget. Other than that, things are great. I fly out on June 21, so I am a little more than half way done. I am really excited to get out of here. I hope you guys have a good week and I miss you! Love you!

Love ,

Elder Jewkes

Jackson's Letter dated May 11, 2011

Im sure you are busy with finals and stuff, but I hope you had a good Mothers Day! Sorry I didn't get to call, that kind of stinks, but I love you so much and thanks for all that you do!  This week the older district left for Russia which means we are the new guys! Pretty crazy, it feeels like I've been here forever. Yesterday Elder Anderson of the twelve came and talked to us.It was incredible.We have had 3 apostles since we have been here. That is almost unheard of. We teach the first lesson in Russian today so that will be an interesting experience for sure.

How is everyone doing and how did courts Rising Generation thing go? When do you get done with finals? Im sure you are all very busy as usual. The mattei's sent me this awesome giant balloon fish thing with a 2lb bag of Swedish Fish and  it was so good! Someone gave me a memory foam mattress for my bed and getting up is going to be even harder than usual haha. This week was pretty much the same.You switch who is the Senior companion every 6 six weeks. I am the junior companion, but  it doesnt really matter at the MTC.

Well, I hope you have a good week. I think the most frustrating language ever is Russian but I'm sure I will get the hang of it someday. Love you all and I think about you every day!

Jackson's Letter dated May 4, 2011

Hi Jacks!

I miss you so so much! I miss your smiling face, your never ending basketball bouncing, you sleeping on the recliner, chatting with me late at night, eating chips and salsa, getting beat at laser tag and bowling and just having a good time together. The kids really miss you too. There have been many tears shed. We all love you and look up to you so much.  There is such a void in our home.Man I miss that good old recliner i cant believe its still alive! The only day i get to take naps are pdays and they are heavenly! Im sure you guys will be alright with me not being there soon its been a month today that ive been here itsnt that crazy It is so good to hear from you every week. I was thinking we should try something new and maybe you should just reply to my questions in a different color right in this email. It will be quick for you and it wil make the time delay a little easier. It might save you a little time also.
How is your little finger doing?My finger looked way sick but im taking medicine for it and i have some cream and it looks way better and is still healing a little bit. How is your comp? How is basketball? It sounds like you pretty much do the same thing everyday. Is that driving you crazy or do you like the routine?Only 2 months to go , I am going a little crazy doing the same things over and over again, so we will see how sane I am by the time I get out of here. Our estimated departure date is June 21, so that seeems really far away. What did Elder Oaks and Elder Scott talk about when they came to visit?So i dont have my notes with me on the apostles talks but I will find some good points and write them in the next letter all I can tell you is right when they walked in the spirit was so strong especially when Elder Scott came in. Is the language easier to learn than you thought? Which friend is your favorite so far?Ithink my favorite friend right now is elder Graham or winters, Graham likes basketball alot so we talk about it all the time it's fun.I liked all the pics you sent, but no descriptions. :( Please make sure to send pics with names and descriptions...Sorry about no descriptions i thought about that after I sent them haha. What do you love the most about the MTC? I think my favorite part of the day is gym and playing basketball keeps me sane and lets me get away from Russian which i really need every day. There are some pretty good people here and we have some pretty good games so i like it a lot.What do you dislike? It sounds like you get to see Mark and RJ frequently, that must be fun! You guys are such great examples. What did you guys do on Easter Sunday? We missed you. We had a wonderful dinner and egg hunt at the Gonthier's. I hope you didn't get a sack lunch. That is what the missionaries told us you would be getting. Easter was pretty good just a normal Sunday with all the talks focused on Christ of course it was really cool abd the food was better that usual they had funeral potatoes but no where near as good as yours.I am glad we sent all that candy. Is there anything you need or want? What is a good package idea? The only thing i really want would be a Russian flag if you can find one and thats about it. I don't want to send you tons of food and junk because it sounds like you get plenty to eat. Anyways let me know.
I am in the thick of finals right now. You know how that gets. It is a little crazy, but it  will be over soon. I start back up May 16th. I am taking Accounting Info Systems and a Business Writing class online. I will also be working 30 hours a week. That should keep me busy. Judge is doing scout day camp in June and Court is going to girls camp. They are going to visit your dad from June 17th to July 30th. The nice thing about my school schedule this summer is I will be done July 9th and will only have to work until fall  semester starts back up in August. I need the break.
The kids are doing well and being good about helping out. I mowed my first lawn. You should be so proud. I inherited the Fish's old mower. Guy finally got a rider. He said I need to work on my lines a little bit. You can imagine how funny that was. We had a great time.. I kind of hacked up the lawn with the weed wacker. It isn't as easy as it looks. You made it look so easy.  Court mowed on Saturday and fell down the hill on the side of the house. She wasn't too happy.Thats so funny about mowing the lawn thought just wait till you get the summer its going to be even better. i cant believe court fell downt the hill ive done that a couple times myself back in the day, but im sure your trimming job was just lovely. She is doing great in volleyball and Guy is helping coach her to try out in the fall. She is also trying out for rising Gen on Saturday. I hope she makes it. Judge is playing soccer and having fun and we need to find something for Amber Sue. Dance in the fall for her. Anyways I better let you go. I need to study for a quiz I have to take in about an hour. I love you and miss you so much! I can't wait to hear back from you. It sounds like everyoine is doing great. Is Court going to volleyball camp? Tell her good luck on Saturday I know she will do just fine! Tell Judge to work hard in soccer and tell Amber i miss her a lot! Good luck with finals ill be thinking about you, and tell the Gonthiers I said hi. Sorry if I didn't answer all the questions its really hard with a timer right in front of you telling you have a minute left to send it anyways have a good week and I love you!

P.S. Do you get to call on Mother's Day? I sure hope so.....To answer your question about mothers day it's a no.. They really can't have 2000 missionaries trying to call home on the same day it really doesn't work out well if that makes sense so sorrry i wont be able to talk to you guys till Christmas..

Jackson's Letter dated April 27, 2011

Hey Fam!
How is evertything? Have you started your finals yet? Thanks so much for the Easter package. It was awesome! I sent some pictures with the  letters. I hope you like them. Things are going pretty good here. Pretty much all I do is eat, study and go to class. I love it though. I am learning so much right now. Especially in the scriptures, which is the best part! We have had two Apostles come and speak to us in the last couple of weeks. Elder Scott and Elder Oaks came and they both gave really good talks.
My companion sprained his ankle yesterday, but he is doing ok now. My finger got infected and I had to go to the doctor and get some medicine, but it's all better now. The food here is doing weird things to my stomach if you know what I mean haha.
I love my district. They are so awesome and I learn a lot from them. We are all really different,but we get along great. I love how we have gym time every day. I get to play basketball everyday. Hoorah!  Would you tell the Winegar's thanks for the package and they didn't give me a return address.
We also get to go to the temple every week and it's a great place to think and get my mind off things. They've changed the schedule up for eeryone. My P-day is now on Wednesday.
How is everyone doing? I know school is almost over and I bet the kids love that. That would be awesome if Jackie got to babysit. I'm sure she would really like that. Well I hope everytihg is going well. Tell everyone I miss them and tell the Gonthier's thanks again for that package.
                                                          Elder Jewkes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Letter Dated 4/19/2011

I got your guys packages and letters. Thank you so much. I couldn't stop smiling reading the letters and I even laughed out loud a couple of times. Things here are pretty good here. It can be really hard at times and REALLY frustrating. I feel like my head is going to explode with Russian. Pretty much all we do is go to class and eat. Fun huh? My district is awesome we have all become really good friends and they are hilarious. Oh and I get to play basketball every day in gyms it's great. It feels really weird to wear basketball shorts becauuse I am in a suit all day, but don't you worry I still love them and can't wait to get back to wearing them aroudn all day every day. What is going on in Missouri? I hope everything is good at the house. You probably don't have any big messes to clean up any more I bet. How's school going? I think finals are coming up soon, but I'm not really sure because I think time moves slower in the MTC. I'm going to print off some pictures this week and I'll send the kids their letters because I don't have enough time to email them. They should expect something this week. Did your friend ever come to church with you? It will be interesting to see how that turns out. We are learning a ton of Russian all the time and we pray in Russian and I can bear my testimony in Russion too. Even though it's a different language you can still feel the spirit. It is really awesome. I fell the spirit al the time here and I know without a doubt now this is exactly where I am suppossed to be. Anyways, I don't have much time. If you have any questions just ask and I'll do my best to answer them. Love you guys and I miss you a ton. Tell eveyone I said hi.

                                                                                                         Elder Jewkes

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jackson's first letter....

Dear Family,
What's going on fam? It's my first day here and things are pretty good so far. We met my teachers Bro. Dean and Sis. Pico. They are super cool and really nice. My district is pretty cool and we have people that are going to Ukraine also. My companions name is Elder Sauders, he is a pretty nice kid. He is from Chicago and he has six siblings. I thought it was pretty ironic how two kids form the Midwest are companions. We listened to our Mission Presidency for about an hour. There were over 300 missionaries that reported today. It was crazy! Dinner was pretty interesting. The cafeteria is huge, we eventually found the other Russian Missionaries. They call the place where they eat the Iron Curtain. It doesn't really feel real yet that I'm here. I'm sure it will hit me tomorrow morning. I can already tell that this will be a good experience. I'm already learning some Russian and the spirit is really strong. I've seen Elder Mattei a alot today and it has been really good to see him.  I saw Elder Russo for a little bit but didn't get to say much. We have to wear these stupid orange stickers on our name tag so everyone will know we are new and say hi to us. Anyways hope all is well and miss you guys already. I love you. Elder Jewkes

Jackson's MTC address!

Elder Jackson Barry Jewkes
MTC Mailbox #250
Rus-Moscow 0621
2005 N 900 E
Provo UT 84604-1793